Igor Stravinsky, 'Petrushka', Juilliard Manuscript Collection
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Igor Stravinsky, 'Petrushka', Juilliard Mauscript Collection
Igor Stravinsky
Igor Stravinsky was Russian born, lived in France, and ultimately became an American citizen. He had an incredibly successful career as a composer and conductor spanning 60 years. His 20 year collaboration with Serge Diaghilev, impresario of the Ballet Russes, led to some his most popular compositions for the stage such as The Firebird (1910), Petrushka (1911 and featured here), and The Rite of Spring. This last offering caused such an uproar because of the extreme modernity of the choreography and music that neither the dancers nor the audience could hear the music. This did nothing to tarnish his reputation and his continued success allowed him to enjoy a somewhat lavish lifestyle which he greatly enjoyed. For instance, when he and his wife finally settled in Hollywood, he had no issue selling his work to a motion picture company for a good financial return. In fact, he was even granted a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Despite what some may see as his ‘selling out’, Stravinsky is nevertheless held in high regard and considered one of the greatest composers of the 20th century.
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