Anne Sophie Mutter, soloist, violin, Sebastian Currier ”Compressed Time”

“…..I have great instincts. But over the years I have developed a few grey cells to help me along the way. I have to dig deep and I have to know a piece and its origins as well as the technical side. I give my music proper analysis before I let my instincts go wild. But you need to keep a balance because you should never get carried away totally in a piece. After all I am serving the composer.”
– Anne-Sophie Mutter

Scroll down for artist biography.

Anne-Sophie Mutter is a world renowned solo violinist.  This manuscript is from a piece written especially for her by noted composer, Sebastian Currier.
Anne Sophie Mutter

Anne Sophie Mutter

Mutter: Beethoven, Violin Sonata No. 9 (“Kreutzer”)


Anne Sophie Mutter, German-born violin soloist with a 35 year performing career, made her concert debut at 13 with the Berlin Philharmonic under the great conductor, Herbert von Karajan with whom she worked closely until his death.  At 15, she made her first recording, and at 22 was conferred as an honorary fellow of The Royal Academy of Music in London.  She was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences as a foreign honorary member in 2013.  These are but a few of the many other national and international honors she has earned.   She is an artist in continual demand.  The manuscript she has contributed is a part of a score created especially for her by noted composer, Sebastian Currier.

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