Arnold Steinhardt, 1st Violin, Guarneri Quartet, Bartok Solo Violin, 2nd Movement, Fugue

“Bela Bartok undoubtedly wrote down by hand on manuscript paper his miraculous violin concerto #2, and so I’ve written down by hand in response my performer comments as did my teacher the Hungarian violinist Joseph Szigeti. By mind to heart to hand to paper!”
–Arnold Steinhardt

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Arnold Steinhardt

Steinhardt: Mozart, Violin Concerto No 2 in D, K.211


Arnold Steinhardt is one of the founding members of the esteemed Guarneri String Quartet.  He was the first violinist during the quartet’s many years of performing. He has authored 2 books; Indivisible by Four: A String Quartet in Pursuit of Harmony and Violin Dreams, an autobiography.  Mr. Steinhardt made his debut with the Los Angeles Philharmonic at age 14, went on to study under Ivan Galamian at the Curtis Institute of Music, won the Leventritt International Violin Competition, and was then invited by George Szell to take second chair in the first violin section of the Cleveland Orchestra, sitting next to the concertmaster,Josef Gingold.  In addition to his career as a member of the Guarneri, Mr. Steinhardt is also a highly respected violin soloist.

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Arnold Steinhardt
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